sabato 6 agosto 2011

Full Thrust: Battle for Gaia

Ieri sera io e la mia ragazza abbiamo fatto una partita a Full Thrust (ormai sarà la 4°) a 1044 nvp.
Lei comandava la flotta colorata, composta da 2 incrociatori scorta, 3 incrociatori leggeri lanciamissili, 1 corvetta e 3 esploratori.
Io guidavo la flotta verde, composta da 4 cacciatorpediniere pesanti, 2 cacciatorpediniere lanciamissili e 4 fregate con sistemi antimissile.
La partita è durata 7 turni, poi abbiamo interrotto per mancanza di tempo, accordandoci per un pareggio.
Yesterday evening I had a Full Thrust game with my girl at 1044 nvp.
She commanded the bright feet, composed by 2 Escort Cruisers, 3 Light Cruisers, 1 Corvette and 3 Scouts.
I lead the green fleet, which consisted of 4 Heavy Destroyers, 2 Missile Destroyers and 4 Frigates with an extensive defence suit.
The game last for 7 rounds, then we called it a draw due to lack of time.

The initial setup. Oooh, what a nice, fat blue planet we got here!
Overall shot of the game table while fleets clashes.
Mid- game losses.

End game. The cruisers were badly damaged, but they could still dish out a fair amount of firepower. My ships were almost unscratched, except for the missile destroyer in the front, which had a broken FCS.

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