lunedì 28 febbraio 2011

Modern Buildings and first Infinity play

Oggi pomeriggio ho finalmente playtestato Infinity, usando due liste proxate da 117 punti.

Ariadna (io):
3 line kazak rifle 9 pt ( LT)
1 line kazak rifle and LGL 14 pt
1 veteran kazak AP HMG 41 pt
1 Scout AP sniper rifle and Anti-personnel mines 35 pt
Tot: 117 pt

PanOceania (Chiara):
3 Fusilier Combi Rifle 10 pt ( LT)
1 Fusilier Paramedic Combi Rifle 14pt
1 Croc Man Combi Rifle + light shotgun and antipersonnel mines 33 pt
1 ORC troop MULTI Rifle 40 pt
tot: 117pt

Il gioco è divertente, rapido, molto tattico e richiede una notevole astuzia nell'orchestrare i movimenti.
Senza dubbio va incluso nella mia ludoteca.

Di sotto alcune foto delle scenografie usate.
Today I finally playtested Infiniy, proxing these armylists.

Ariadna (me):
3 line kazak rifle 9 pt ( LT)
1 line kazak rifle and LGL 14 pt
1 veteran kazak AP HMG 41 pt 

1 Scout AP sniper rifle and Anti-personnel mines 35 pt
Tot: 117 pt

PanOceania (Chiara):
3 Fusilier Combi Rifle 10 pt ( LT)
1 Fusilier Paramedic Combi Rifle 14pt
1 Croc Man Combi Rifle + light shotgun and antipersonnel mines 33 pt
1 ORC troop MULTI Rifle 40 pt
tot: 117pt

The game is nice, quick, very tactic. I had a full load of fun playing it, and I'll surely buy some starter sets as soon as I could get my hands upon them.

I also took some pics of the gaming board (far too much open ground) and of my scenery.

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