Continua la costruzione del palazzo per Infinity, anche se un po' a rilento.
The Infinty building is still in construction, albeit in a rather slow way.
Pic of the building at the start of the building session.
The elevator-a 3x3x50 cm piece of wood glued together with PVC, wood and yellow cardboard.
The rear of the building. White cardboard on grey wood.
MDF base. The small one is 28x28cm, the large one is 32x32 cm.
The two wooden blocks are 4x5x8cm
All the wooden pieces were screwed to the base.
The building assembled. The ground tile was painted grey and ivory. All other floors are gled with PVA glue to the vertical beams.
An Infinity Zhanshi as reference. The wood has been covered with white paper and a sun-like circle has been added at the ground floor.
The support pieces for the glasses has been cut from PVC foam. They've been pinned with brass rod and super glue.
I painted red a 50x1x0,1 cm basswood beam and glued it to the support frame in order to hide the nails.
The building as it was just before sunset. Note the PP sheet that cover the sides of the elevator.
Note to myself: bad light = crappy pics.
Glass supports installed.
PP sheet in action. It will be removable for easy access.
I stopped here because it was late and I didn't have enough light to work.
Mi sono fermato qui per via della luce (troppo poca per poter continuare a lavorare),